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Installing bun-plugin-dotenvx is straightforward. You can add it to your Bun project using your preferred package manager.

# Recommended for Bun projects
bun install --dev bun-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# bun add -d bun-plugin-dotenvx
npm install --save-dev bun-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# npm i -d bun-plugin-dotenvx
pnpm add --save-dev bun-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# pnpm i -d bun-plugin-dotenvx
yarn add --dev bun-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# yarn add -D bun-plugin-dotenvx

Plugin Setup

After installation, you need to configure Bun to use the plugin. There are two ways to do this:

Add the plugin to your bunfig.toml file to preload it automatically:

preload = [
  # ...other preloads

Option 2: Manual Plugin Registration

Alternatively, you can manually register the plugin in your code:

// plugin.ts
import { plugin } from 'bun'
import { createDotenvxPlugin } from 'bun-plugin-dotenvx'

// Create a custom plugin instance
const dotenvxPlugin = createDotenvxPlugin({
  // Optional configuration
  path: ['.env.local', '.env'],
  overload: true,

// Register the plugin
await plugin(dotenvxPlugin)

Then, add this file to your bunfig.toml:

preload = [
  # ...other preloads

Basic Usage

Once the plugin is set up, you can import your .env files directly as modules:

// Import your .env file
import env from './.env'

// Access environment variables
const apiKey = env.API_KEY
const databaseUrl = env.DATABASE_URL

console.log(`API Key: ${apiKey}`)
console.log(`Database URL: ${databaseUrl}`)

Using Encrypted Environment Variables

To use encrypted environment variables:

  1. First, install dotenvx CLI (if you haven't already):
# Install dotenvx globally
npm install -g @dotenvx/dotenvx

# Or use it directly with npx
npx @dotenvx/dotenvx
  1. Encrypt your .env file:
# Encrypt your .env file
npx @dotenvx/dotenvx encrypt
  1. Run your application with the decryption key:
# Run with the decryption key
DOTENV_PRIVATE_KEY="your-private-key" bun run your-script.ts

For more advanced usage options, check out the Usage Guide in our documentation.

Released under the MIT License.